3DMBC Team

Ali Bigdeli

Ali Bigdeli works as a Structural Engineer in the Yeganeh-Mehraz consulting company. Prior to this, he studied Hydraulic Structures Engineering (MSc) at Tarbiat Modares University (Iran), obtaining his degree in 2020. His current research interests and expertise include the structural and seismic response of modular steel buildings under the supervision of Professor Konstantinos Daniel Tsavdaridis, structural health monitoring, and performance-based design.

His master's research focused mainly on the nonlinear seismic response of hydraulic structures. He was also involved as a research associateĀ at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Western Sydney University, New South Wales, focusing on modular steel buildings.

After graduating from the master's program, he joined the Baravand engineering consulting company as a Designer. His primary responsibility was static and dynamic structural analyses and design of reinforced concrete and steel structures.