3DMBC Team

Kimia Saffarzadeh

Kimia Saffarzadeh is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Engineering at City, University of London. She holds a bachelor’s in Civil Engineering and an MSc in Structural Engineering from the Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman. Her expertise includes developing seismic loading patterns to perform quasi-static tests using the MATLAB programming language. She is also specialising on linear and non-linear structural analysis using OpenSees, Abaqus, and Ansys.

During her Master’s thesis, she developed loading protocols based on ground motion duration for different structural systems. The research emphasises the importance of long-duration records on the cumulative damage demand of structures.

Her interests focus on earthquake engineering, experimental and analytical quasi-static tests of structural components, and finite element analysis. Her PhD work is on performance of inter-modular connections under accidental loading conditions under the supervision of Professor KD Tsavdaridis.