3DMBC Team

Dan-Adrian Corfar

Currently in the second year of his PhD in Structural Engineering at City, University of London under the supervision of Professor Tsavdaridis, he is also part of the KDT research group. His main research interests focus on the development of smart and resilient inter-module connections (IMCs) for passive damage control of hot-rolled steel modular building systems (MBSs). 

In 2019, he earned his Civil Engineering BSc at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania), followed by an MSc in Structural Engineering at University of Leeds in 2020, being awarded The Institution of Structural Engineers ‘Andrew Beeby’ Prize for achieving the highest overall mark in his cohort.

Driven by the ongoing Climate Emergency, he is currently a doctoral researcher, studying the behaviour of IMCs in the pursuit of devising smart and resilient connections, taking modular construction one step further towards next-generation, sustainable MBSs. The doctoral programme is fully sponsored by EPSRC/CASE and is also part of the ‘3DMBC (3D Modular Building Connections)’ research project funded by the ‘Leverhulme Trust’ and led by Professor Tsavdaridis.